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Health literacy in Hungary

December 06, 2017

According to the WHO there is an “overall low level of health literacy” in Hungary (WHO 2014). The Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (AIPM) initiated a national health literacy survey between 2008 and 2012 which depicts more detailed results: The study shows that 20% of Hungarians have poor health literacy and only a low proportion of 11% proofed excellent health literacy. On an international level, Hungary is one of the worst performing countries, having one of the highest proportions of ‘inadequate’ health literacy. In answer to the poor results, the AIPM supports projects and actions in the field of health literacy by launching a yearly health literacy award, given to Hungarian projects and initiatives which aim to improve peoples’ health knowledge (Association of Innovative Pharmaceutical Manufacturers 2013). The Hungarian government has introduced the “Healthy Hungary 2014 – 2020” plan, which lays down the strategic priorities for the healthcare sector. One of the key priorities is to strengthen preventive activities, thereby focusing on smoking behaviour and healthy nutrition (The Government of Hungary 2017).



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