Health literacy in Czech Republic
April 11, 2018
Research on health literacy in the Czech Republic
In 2014, a survey has been conducted in the Czech Republic in order to analyse the level of health literacy in the country. The target group of the survey are citizens of the Czech Republic older than 15 years. The quota is based on the gender, education level, age, region, and size of the municipality. In total, the survey consists of 1037
respondents. The level of health literacy in the country was measured on three levels, which are health literacy in the field of health promotion, health literacy in the field of prevention of diseases, and health literacy in the field of healthcare (Kučera, 2017). According to the Institute for Health Literacy in the Czech Republic, the level of
general health literacy in the Czech Republic is lower (31,8) than the average in the European Union (33,8), which appears to be quite inadequate. As the survey results indicate, 19,1% of respondents have inadequate general health literacy. 40,3% of respondents have problematic general health literacy, 28,4% has sufficient general health literacy, and only 12,3% has excellent general health literacy. (Kučera, 2017)