Health literacy in Austria
December 06, 2017
Austria was one of the collaborating partners of the HLS-EU project that was conducted between 2009 and 2012.
In 2011, the Ministry of Health (Ministerium für Gesundheit) decided upon ten new health targets (Rahmengesundheitsziele) for the next 20 years. One of these targets included strengthening health literacy in the population (‘Gesundheitskompetenz der Bevölkerung stärken’) specifically to empower patients and to design target-group specific health information to improve health literacy. The ten health targets, including health literacy, will be implemented at national and regional levels. 3.
Interventions and examples from practice
- Gesundheitskompetenz Jugendstudie:
- Österreichische MigrantInnen Gesundheitskompetenz Studie. In this project the Ludwig-Boltzmann Institut collects quantative and qualitative data on health literacy of migrants in Austria: .
Research on health literacy in Austria